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Train Accidents

If you have been involved in a train accident or an airplane accident, whether a commercial airliner crashed, or a private plane, or even a helicopter, you need competent representation for your case.

An accident involving trains or airplanes is less likely to occur than an accident between two passenger vehicles on the road, but when it does, it can be far more injurious or deadly. The attorneys at Schafer and Schafer LLP are here to fight for your rights to ensure that you do not get taken advantage of in a low settlement from an insurance company. The law allows for many levels of compensation in this type of accident, and you should recover what you deserve. Contact Schafer and Schafer LLP today for a free consultation regarding your case.

Train Accidents

In Indiana and Illinois, safety upgrades at rail crossings have been undertaken, yet collisions with vehicles remain catastrophic. Let our experts help you receive the compensation you deserve if you or a loved one have been the victim of a rail accident in Northwest Indiana. Precautions such as bells, lights, and arms are there to warn drivers that a train is coming, and do not cross. A malfunction of the system can have disastrous results. Although accidents between trains and vehicles have declined over the last several decades, they still happen, and when they do, that can be very dangerous, even deadly. If you have been injured in a train accident, or lost a loved one due to the negligence of a person or entity involved in the railroads, you may have a case against that person or entity. Schafer and Schafer LLP has experience in the area of railroad accidents, and can help determine cause and fault in the accident and help you to recover funds to pay for your injuries, lost wages, and other expenses that arise due to the accident. Call today for a free consultation regarding your case.

Plane/Helicopter Accidents

Commercial air travel ranks as the safest mode of transportation, but accidents, when they occur, can be devastating. If affected by an accident involving a commercial airplane, private plane, or helicopter in Northwest Indiana, the diligent attorneys at Schafer & Schafer LLP will fight relentlessly to secure monetary compensation for your ordeal. There are three types of aviation accidents when it comes to personal injury law: plane crashes involving commercial airlines, international air disaster fatalities, and non-commercial accidents (personal airplane crashes).

The most heavily regulated aviation accident is the commercial airliner crash. When a commercial airline crashes, usually large numbers of people are injured or killed, and laws regulating the airline’s action include the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996, which requires the airline to assist families in traveling to any crash site.

Accidents involving international airlines may or may not be governed by state or federal law in the United States. In this instance, there could be many different countries or governments that regulate how to handle a disaster, and in the United States, there is a limit of liability of a commercial airline for crashes on international flights, if the crash was unintentional. If there was a deliberate act causing the crash, there is no limit of liability.

Unfortunately, the most common type of airplane crash is the private plane, a non-commercial airplane. Private planes are governed by both state and federal regulations, although lawsuits regarding wrongful death or negligence are usually filed by surviving family members in state courts, rather than federal.

The attorneys at Schafer and Schafer LLP have the knowledge and ability to weed through the evidence and find out who is at fault for the plane crash, whether commercial or private, or helicopter crash, and can help you recover funds for incurring medical costs, lost wages, or other expenses.

Your Legal Rights

If harmed or bereaved due to negligence within railroads, airlines, or private aviation in Northwest Indiana, you could be entitled to file for personal injury or wrongful death. Schafer & Schafer LLP champions your rights to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. In these types of cases, funds may be recovered for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and in some cases, funeral costs, as well as grief and sorrow. Contact the family owned law firm of Schafer and Schafer LLP today for a free consultation regarding your situation.

If you’ve been injured and want to know if you have a case, contact us for help.